Rick Marchand - 2006 Moose Camp

A typical but always exciting scene when Rick Marchand (who was once described in Ontario Out of Doors Magazine as "one of Ontario's top three bowhunters for moose"), and the boys venture out on their annual moose hunt. Both moose tags (and the freezer), are filled once again.
"The moose hunt started off slowly after being evacuated for three days due to the vast amount of forest fires in the area. The rains finally came and the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources allowed us back in to resume our hunt. Although we found sign, the rut was far from beginning. We managed to have some sort of action every day, whether it was a bull answering our calls or a bull sighting, hell we had two fifty-five plus moose within one yard of our stands, two days in a row (one bull each day). As everyone knows, a shot straight down should never be taken, and the bulls eventually walked off. It wasn’t until the later part of the second week that the rut seemed to begin to take hold. On the second Thursday, the stars must have been lined up just right since both bull tags in camp were filled; one forty-six inch rack in the morning and forty-three inch rack that early evening. The following day was spent butchering, and wrapping both moose and Saturday seen us back on the road home, tired yet satiated….another successful hunt and only forty-eight more weeks to go till the next one."
Top photo; forty-six inch bull. Bottom photo; forty-three inch bull. Also seen in bottom photo; Outdoor Productions Canada partner "Guido's Outdoors" great tree stand "Guido's Web" - seen at www.guidosoutdoors.com also within the various episodes and segments of Canadian Outfitter Television.
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