Rod's Tree Stand Bear

A great story from Outdoor Productions Canada Pro-Staff Rod Heath on his latest bear hunt - see below;
"A decision was made to hunt Sunday morning since there was four nice sized bears coming into my bait. The weather was nasty with torrential rain and the time of year - remaining dark later. I was a bit nervous so I waited until there was a bit of light out before venturing into my bait stand. I headed across the field (in the pouring rain), when I got to the edge of the bush where my barrel was placed. I stopped to look but did not see anything, the thick cedars was still holding lots of light out - its was still very dark. I quietly proceeded along the trail and arrived at my bait barrel, put some light on the situation and began to pour some honey on the ground in front of the barrel. A soon as that chore was done, a bear started snapping its teeth no more than 10 yards behind me. I must have walked right past it.
I quickly decided to get up in my tree stand for a vantage point and hopefully out of harms way. Taking my first step of my ladder and noticed mud - looked up and a bear was in my stand looking down at me, no more than four feet away. Stepping awkward down, I looked up again; the bear had placed his front paws on the tree, he could not go up so he was coming down. I raised my gun and placed the shot, turning to head into better light once I saw the bear drop. I waited in the rain for an hour and finally went back to find a 200 pound dead bear under my tree stand.
I think I am still shaking from the experience."
Keep checking back for more hunting, angling and wilderness adventures with our Pro, and Productions staff on this blog and Canadian Outfitter Television!
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