Tree stands are a very affective way to view, photograph and videograph pretty much anything in the forest without detection. Once your forest friends are used it being there, your set. It allows you to be up and out of the way for days if you'd like. A canopy overhead and your good to go. We use these types of stands over our bear bait and deer runs where the wildlife action is pretty much steady. For the most past, we use a portable climbing stands made by Guido's Outdoors for much of our work. These stands put us into any situation fast, comfortable, warm, safe, and are highly concealing. The stand also travels like a back pack with great options like a cell phone holder and bladder. All our Pro-Staff just love them and should be seen to be appreciated at
www.guidosoutdoors.com . I'm sure many more in our business will catch onto these stands in the near future.
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