The New Direction and The Same Old Stuff!

We've decided that a Blog would be a direct window for our members, viewers, partners, friends and resident rabble-rousers to see first-hand what we are up to.
So welcome to our Blog.
In the coming months you'll read (and see), our excursions and expeditions in the field either while they are happening ("live"), or shortly thereafter - within days anyway. You'll notice soon, that there will be changes to our website, show content, Pro/Production Staff, Partners and company direction. How we are doing business these days. We are looking forward to these changes since it will broaden our audience and overall demographic. We are looking forward to getting back into the field for Canadian Outfitter Television, as well with many Outdoor Productions Canada Photography/Videography Expeditions and outdoor-based Workshops - the latter planned for the 2007 season.
We ask you to check back to our Blogs every so often; get to know us, our company and see what we are about.
Also, it is very important for all to please read our legal/disclaimer on our site at - all content, text, pictures, artwork and logo's are copyrighted - see information regarding the term "site (s)".
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