Oh Canada - Texas Boys Go Goosin!

While sitting here on these very cold evenings of winter it is always nice to reflect on some good days you had afield. Here's a few photo's above from one I had last fall.
While my main passion is for Fly-Fishing, I also have done every other sort of hunting a fishing experience there is and one of them that is very high on my "favorite" list is whacking big 'ol Canada's out of the sky as they approach webbed-feet out and white-bellies front. Here are four fellows from Texas that I entertained along with a good friend of mine this past September for our early goose season here along Ontario's west coast. In two days we killed 42 birds - the smiles tell it all for these newbie's to the sport, especially Darryl who killed a banded bird his first morning out on his first ever goose hunt! Hopefully I get as lucky on my "returned favor" hunt down in Texas for trophy whitetail - keep thinking about the good'uns.!
Spring will be here before we know it - Gobble, Gobble, Gobble......MV
Look for Outdoor Productions Canada Pro-Staff Mike Verhoef on various episodes of Canadian Outfitter Television seen at www.canadianoutfitter.tv